After a fairly long wait, we finally have the official report on the
Absolute Steel Hybrid clearances from the independent UL Safety and
Clearance testing.
Minimum Rear Clearances
Rear of stove to combustible wall.... 14”
Rear of stove with heat shield.......... 8.5”
Minimum Side Clearances
(left and right clearances are slightly different to accommodate space needed for side loading door, available left or right)
Non Door Side
Non Door Side to combustible wall .................26”
Non Door Side with heat shield........................16”
Non Door Side corner clearance.......................13”
Door Side
Loading Door Side to combustible wall..........26”
Loading Door Side corner clearance..............18”
Hearth Requirements
Each stove comes with a bottom heat shield (no charge) which must be installed before operation.
The hearth must be non-combustible material, and extend 16” beyond the
stove on the loading door side, and 6” beyond the stove on all other
sides. The stove is 21” deep and 25” wide, so minimum hearth dimensions
are 47”W (25”+ 16” +6”) and 33” D (21” + 6” + 6” = 33”)