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Ideal Steel Hybrid

21 Jan2020 Customer Installations Keep Rolling In!
0 14145
With the recent cold snap, we are getting more and more images of our beautiful, high efficiency stoves from customers in different parts of the country. Below are a few of our newest images, and we're sure more will be coming! The first two pictures below show the Absolute Steel Hu Absolute Ste..
12 Feb2019 Happy February
admin 0 4567
Everyone knows February is the month to celebrate love and here at Woodstock Soapstone Company love burns brightly every day in more ways than one!For over 40 years now Woodstock Soapstone has been passionate about the design and manufacturing of comforting and affordable wood heat. This month’s Ide..
06 Jul2018 Hot Buzz in the Summertime
0 4218
It’s summertime, and the air is alive with all kinds of buzzing.  People are buzzing about this month’s Ideal Steel Steal of the Month, it’s the stuff legends are made of.  Our theme this month is the Dragonfly, one of the favorite harbingers of summer.  The Dragonfly has many names; mosquito ..
08 Jun2018 Hot Diggity
0 4601
2018 is the year of the Dog, according to the ancient Chinese Zodiac Calendar. For our Steal of the Month for June, we are celebrating these loyal friends with a dog inspired theme. Young or old, large or small, dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years and loyal companions for almost..
10 May2018 Harmony and Balance
0 4542
Our lives are filled with meaningful symbols.  Some are universally recognized and handed down through the generations.  Harmony and Balance Side Medallion One of the most widely known symbols, known for harmony and balance is the Yin Yang.  According to yin yang philosophy, the universe and ..
09 Apr2018 Arbor Day!
0 4644
Arbor Day is a day celebrated around the world to commemorate the importance of trees, by planting some.  The first U.S. Arbor Day was in April 1872, originating in Nebraska.   Arbor Day Side Medallion This month we are celebrating Arbor Day at Woodstock Soapstone by adorning our Ideal Steel Hyb..
10 Mar2018 The Luck of the Irish
0 11822
We are bringing you the luck of the Irish with our March Steal of the Month design set.  Shamrocks and four-leaf clovers adorn our Ideal Steel Hybrid wood stove this month.  Lucky is the owner of this award-winning hybrid wood stove! Shamrocks and four-leaf clovers have been legendary for centuri..
09 Feb2018 It's Seed Catalogue Time!
0 5541
The thrill of getting the first seed catalogue in the mail! Gardeners have historically heralded the arrival of garden catalogues in February. The arrival of the catalogues in their mailboxes signals the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel”- yes, there will be Spring! The practice of going ..
15 Jan2018 Winter Is for Skating!
0 3904
Winter can be full of fun with winter sports such as skating. Oh, the thrill of gliding across the ice with the chilly air sweeping past your face; the glory of steel blades under your feet as you fly across the frozen pond. There is a lot to love about ice-skating in the winter. Sometimes refe..
12 Dec2017 Winter is in the Air
admin 0 3881
We can smell winter in the air- can you? Pine trees, cinnamon, wood smoke and snow, these are all smells we associate with winter.  Outside, the newly fallen snow is clinging to pine branches, and inside wood stoves are keeping us cozy and warm.  Winter is definitely here.Side MedallionWinter smells..
15 Nov2017 ...Through The Wood...
admin 0 3949
“ Over the River and Through the Wood” is a famous line from “The New-England Boy’s Song about Thanksgiving Day”.  The poem was originally published in the book “Flowers for Children”, depicting a story about a family riding in a sleigh on their way toSide PanelGrandfather’s house for a Thanksgiving..
13 Oct2017 It’s the Most Scariest Time of the Year!
admin 0 4374
Halloween - or All Hallows’ Eve - arrives on the last day of October.  The days get shorter, darkness settles in early, the temperatures turn colder.  We decorate our homes with jack-o'-lanterns, ghosts and yes, ravens.   Raven Side MedallionsVampires, Wood Devils, Wizards and of course, Witches all..
16 Sep2017 Signs of Autumn
admin 0 3918
Apple Tree Side Medallion When autumn arrives in New England, there is a quintessential appearance to the landscape.  Apples and pumpkins are ready, and waiting to be picked.  The deciduous trees are showing off their coloring skills.  This is a time of great beauty as mother earth prepares for the ..
15 Aug2017 August Migration
admin 0 3858
August is upon us. The days are getting shorter, and twilight comes earlier. We notice the birds are getting ready for their migration south. Nature knows winter is just around the corner.  Songbirds Side MedallionHere in New England, the Northern Geese are flying south. Their silhouettes are easily..
19 Jul2017 Sizzling Summer Dragons – Turn Up The Heat!
admin 0 4043
Our Ideal Steel ‘Steal of the Month’ is sure to turn up the heat! This Dragon sizzles even without a blaze.  Just imagine how much heat you will get this winter when our Mystic Dragon shows off a real fire!Mystic Dragon Side MedallionDragons are symbols of strength, loyalty, energy and protection. L..
10 Jun2017 A Whale of a Tale
admin 0 5854
Come gather round, I have a whale of a tale to tell you; about a stove that started out as a fish.The creative minds at the Woodstock Soapstone Company were challenged to develop a wood stove that not only heated well but was also affordable and environmentally friendly.  Steel and soapstone were co..
03 May2017 Celebrating World Turtle Day - May 23rd
admin 0 4239
World Turtle Day is May 23rd.  Who knew? – We do, and now you do too.World Turtle Day is a global celebration of these amazing creatures.  In some areas, folks even dress up as turtles for this special occasion.  Here at the Woodstock Soapstone Company, in honor of World Turtle Day, we are dressing ..
05 Apr2017 Here Comes The Sun...
admin 0 3665
It’s been a long cold winter, and we are ready for some sunshine.  In New England, it can feel like years since it has been here.  Here comes the sun, and we think it's all right.Side and Center BurnersWe’ve been getting a few teasing days – in between the snow storms.  We thought it was aliens land..
14 Mar2017 The Ides of March
admin 0 3911
Beware the Ides of March - but not at Woodstock Soapstone!  We love the Ides of March.  This is when we commemorate our March Steal of the Month.  Roman Acanthus Leaves HangerMarch has inspired us to bring ornamental Roman acanthus leaves to our Ideal Steel Hybrid Wood Stove.  Just as the acanthus l..
16 Feb2017 Steal of the Month Extravaganza!
admin 0 3393
We have been so busy in our research and development department, creating and building the stoves for the Navajo Reservation, that our Steal of the Month Specials have been in hiatus.To make up for this lapse, we are announcing our biggest and best Steal of the Month selection that we have ever offe..
Showing 1 to 20 of 97 (5 Pages)