08 Jan2014/i>

We are very excited to share this video from Brian K, one of our Ideal
Steel beta testers. Brian's video is a 16 hour time lapse, with ever 4
seconds representing about an hour of burning. Below the video you will
see some of Brian's description of the burn and a link to his forum
post for more information.
We hope you enjoy this video as much as we have!
can see at the beginning of the video that I had about 9 large locust
splits and three small ones packed in fairly tight. I would call this
burn a medium to medium high burn. I started this burn cycle with a cold
stove with cold ash bed at 6:00pm, a first floor temp of 68 and outside
temps at 4 degrees. (We were running the natural gas furnace for 24
hours prior because I wanted to burn down coals and empty some ash prior
to this burn cycle.) At 7pm, stove was throwing off massive amounts of
heat, first floor temps were 79 degrees, outside temp 0 degrees, with
high wind, and I cut the air back from 50% to 25%. At midnight I needed
more heat so I opened air up to 40% at which point in the video the
secondary burn reappears after briefly stopping. That was six hours into
the burn, outside temps were -12 degrees and first floor temps were 72,
and I went to bed.
You can watch the thermometer go up quickly at the start then slowly descend till the end as well as the time period the stove produced usable heat by comparing the thermometer to the total video time. I opened up the air to 100% three hours before the end of the video to burn down the coals and you can see the coals flare up a bit then die down again right before the end of the video." -Brian
You can watch the thermometer go up quickly at the start then slowly descend till the end as well as the time period the stove produced usable heat by comparing the thermometer to the total video time. I opened up the air to 100% three hours before the end of the video to burn down the coals and you can see the coals flare up a bit then die down again right before the end of the video." -Brian
If you would like to read more about Brian's time lapse video, please visit his post on the Firewood Hoarders Forum.