28 Jun2011/i>

Below are basic dimensions and specifications for the new stove. Please note that rear flue exit height could change, but minimally. If you are building a chimney and planning a straight back connection between stove and chimney thimble, please confirm thimble height with our customer service department.
We expect these stoves to begin shipping in the fourth quarter,
likely before the end of October. We expect the final shipping release date to depend on completing the final punch list of tasks peripheral to the stove itself – i.e. EPA certification paperwork and labels, final clearance determinations, approval of truck shipping container, review of owner’s manual by test lab, etc. Some of us at Woodstock Soapstone plan on using the new stove to heat our own homes this winter. You can plan on it too.
likely before the end of October. We expect the final shipping release date to depend on completing the final punch list of tasks peripheral to the stove itself – i.e. EPA certification paperwork and labels, final clearance determinations, approval of truck shipping container, review of owner’s manual by test lab, etc. Some of us at Woodstock Soapstone plan on using the new stove to heat our own homes this winter. You can plan on it too.
By the way, we still don’t have an “official” name for this stove. We’ve been using the name we used as a header (“PROGRESS Hybrid”) but if you have a better idea, please send it in (it might just win you a stove!). We have another acronym nickname for it internally- The BMF- but that nickname would be turned down if we applied for a vanity license plate using the same acronym. So... we are still considering our options and probably will be considering them up until the 11th hour (when we have to send the manual to the printer, or confirm the name (as opposed to model number) with EPA.
Height: 33.25”
Width: 30.50”
Depth: 24.0”
Flue Size: 6.0”
Glass Size: 18”W x 13”H
Flue Exit: Top or Rear
Rear Flue Std Legs: 27.70” centered (*estimated, see note below)
Plinth/Short Legs: Optional. Reduces rear flue height approximately 5” to 22.7”
Weight: 610 lbs (Estimated)
Firebox Size: 2.7 cu. ft.
Burn Time: 12 hours (easily)
Loading: Left or Right Side Door
Heat Output Range: 10,000 – 80,000 BTU/hr (Estimated)
Burn Technology: Hybrid (Secondary combustion / stainless steel catalytic combustor / heat exchanger)
Ash Pan: Optional (Ash Drawer Inside Dimensions: 18”L x 11.5”W x 3.5”H)
Rear Heat Shield: Optional
Efficiency/EPA: We expect emissions and efficiency to be “best in class”.
*Note: The rear flue exit height could change very slightly (+- 0.10), but will be very close to the height specified above. If you are planning a rear installation with pipe straight back to the chimney flue opening, plan on centering the chimney opening at 28”, so you will have adequate rise between the stove and the chimney.
For more information about our Progress Hybrid Wood Stove, click here.