26 Mar2014/i>

We have listened to both sides (state air regulators and the
woodstove industry) in the debate over the new EPA regulations. We have
concluded that the new regulations are (1) the “right thing to do” because the
public health benefits outweigh the costs of compliance, and that (2) clean,
efficient and affordable stoves can be made under the proposed new
standards. We initiated our petition
because we wanted to let the EPA know that we think their targets are achievable,
and to give a voice to wood burners who care deeply about wood heat and want to
push the industry toward higher efficiency and lower emissions.
The US EPA has proposed new regulations for new wood stoves and pellet stoves, indoor
and outdoor wood furnaces, and masonry heaters. (The word new is underlined,
because the regulations do NOT apply to existing stoves.) These are the first
new woodstove regulations since 1988 (over 25 years). These regulations would
apply in two steps, the first coming in 2015, and the second in 2020.
For the 2015 first step, about 85% of wood and pellet stoves
curently manufactured and certified would meet the standard. Only the dirtiest stoves would lose
certification. Outdoor wood furnaces are
not covered under existing regulations and have been controversial due to high
emissions. They will now be
regulated. Masonry heaters have lobbied
to be included in the new regulations because it provides them with the
opportunity to prove that they are a clean alternative to other biomass
For the 2020 second step, allowable emissions are reduced
considerably for all appliance categories.
For wood stoves, the new emissions limits would be 1.3 gm/hr on low and
high burns. We know these targets are
Most in our industry are opposed to these new regulations
for predictable reasons (too expensive, not enough time, unreasonable emissions
limits, and so on). We heard the same
excuses when the EPA regulated car emissions, diesel exhaust, and power plants,
and when smoking was eliminated from public places. Join us in supporting cleaner wood stoves and cleaner air. Click here to sign our petition.
P.S. This petition is co-sponsored by the Alliance for Green
Heat. Why? The answer is simple: we sent the petition to the Alliance for Green
Heat for proofreading before publication, and they offered to co-sponsor it! We are grateful for their support!