below is Part 3 of Tom Morrissey’s review of the NESCAUM
3 questions whether any stove can be successfully tested
with with the new IDC method (now ALT-140) and achieve less
than 2.0 g/hr emissions and greater than 75% HH..
Linked below is Tom Morrissey's reply to comments made by NESCAUM regarding part 1 of the previously posed Review. Two of Woodstock Soapstone's stoves (with similar model numbers) were certified to EPA 2020 standards using two different approved test methods on two different dates. These tests are..
Linked below is Part 2b of Tom Morrissey's review of the NESCAUM "Assessment". Part 2b focuses on density, data, and invalid test runs.NESCAUM was unable to achieve the required density in a majority of its tests reviewed, rendering these tests invalid and raising red flags about their methods. Ap..
Almost concurrent with the release of our “Review Part 1” statement on May 15th, nine State Attorney Generals (from states VT, MA, RI, NY, NJ, MD, WA, OR, and AK) sent a letter to the EPA. The letter urged the EPA to revoke the current cordwood test method (ASTM E-3053) and adopt the new method (ID..
In March of this year the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM) published an attack on the EPA wood stove certification process. The document, entitled “Assessment of EPA’s Residential Wood Heater Program”, claims that the EPA process is dysfunctional and a systemic failur..
Working in IsolationWe have a small number of employees at work every day (because we have to issue paychecks, keep up with all the various state and federal requirements for employee leave, answer questions, and keep the loading docks open for shipments in and out). When we’re not busy with essen..
We have a small number of employees at work every day (because we have
to issue paychecks, keep up with all the various state and federal
requirements for employee leave, answer questions, and keep the loading
docks open for shipments in and out). When we’re not busy with
essential tasks, we h..
other manufacturers are struggling to certify stoves to the EPA 2020
standards, the wood stoves we’ve been producing since 1995 have been
exceeding the new, stricter wood stove standard!
For the last 25 years we have been building and selling the cleanest stoves in the United States!
Customers have been submitting some wonderful installation images of and
comments about their Woodstock Soapstone stoves recently, and we wanted
to share a few of them here on our blog.
This group is a nice representation showing one of our newer wood
stoves, the Progress Hybrid, our largest gas..
Condition of Palladian in need of refurbishment We have restored many stoves for customers who lost their homes, and most of their possesions, to floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires. Sometimes the only thing left standing after these disasters was our customer’s Woodstock Soapstone stove. Ma..
If you’ve ever come across a beautiful metal cut gate, a privacy screen, metal wall art, or CortenTM siding in an architectural magazine or online, you may have thought briefly of wanting to incorporate something similar into your own home. Likely, your consideration of architectural metal stopped t..
News Update - Navajo Stove Project
Below is a brief video interview with our Navajo Beta tester Robert
Owen, from mid March, 2018. Robert is one of our Navajo beta testers
whose stove was installed this January, 2018. It’s a little bit unclear in the video, but in the six weeks between
his i..
For those of you who purchased,
and installed, a Woodstock Soapstone Co. wood stove in 2017 - we have good
news! The very popular residential “Home Energy Tax Credit” for Energy Star
certified improvements which had expired, was retroactively restored for 2017.
The amount of the tax credit for a..
The thrill of getting the first seed catalogue in the mail!
Gardeners have historically heralded the arrival of garden catalogues in
February. The arrival of the catalogues in their mailboxes signals the
proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel”- yes, there will be Spring! The
practice of going ..
Will, explaining to dad how to have a smoke-free start-up
and how to operate the stove, and Robert (dad), teaching Will
about the Four Sacred Mountains.
Yá’át’ééh (Hello in Navajo),
We’ve posted about our recent installation in a Navajo Hogan
several times. We feel a real kinshi..
Navajo Hogan
It’s gratifying to make a difference!
On Friday, January 12th, our team visited the Navajo hogan where they
had installed a stove on Wednesday. The stove was burning away merrily
in the center of the hogan. Outside, there was no smoke coming out of
the stack. A clean burn! But ..
Contemporary Hogan Home
We are getting towards the end of the first week of the first round of
installing the Navajo Stoves. We are replacing the stoves that were
left there last March for beta testing.
These are photos from Tuesday’s demonstration installation near Window
Rock, Arizona. The..
Although the weather was dreary on October 22nd, our Open House was anything but! We saw smiling faces around every corner.
The beer was flowing, the burgers were grilling and the stoves were getting a lot of love and appreciation.
We would like to thank everyone who made the trek to..
When Fall comes to New England, it is a time of harvest, homecomings,
and open house gatherings. Here at the Woodstock Soapstone Company, we
are indeed having an Open House on October 22, 2016, from 9:00 am to
5:00 pm – mark your calendars!
If you are able to come by, we would love to see you..
It is almost Labor Day, and we are busy getting our barbques ready to fire up. However, it won’t be long now, and we will be firing up our woodstoves. The
autumn air brings a chill in the morning, and in the evening; a chill
that our Woodstock Soapstone woodstoves can easily dispel.
Get a jum..