30 Aug2016/i>

It is almost Labor Day, and we are busy getting our barbques ready to fire up. However, it won’t be long now, and we will be firing up our woodstoves. The autumn air brings a chill in the morning, and in the evening; a chill that our Woodstock Soapstone woodstoves can easily dispel.
Get a jump on the crispy fall mornings, and the chilly fall evenings that are just around the corner. Jack Frost will be here very soon. Every woodstove we make is on sale. Take advantage of the huge discounts we are offering right now!
If you have been thinking of how you’re going to heat your home this winter, don’t think about it any longer. Don't delay, this sale is not going to last forever. It ends September 10th. Let us help you find the perfect woodstove for your home. Give us a call at 1-800-866-4344. We are here Monday thru Saturday, 9:00 to 5:00 Eastern time.