Linked below is Part 3 of Tom Morrissey’s review of the NESCAUM “Assessment”.
Part 3 questions whether any stove can be successfully tested with with the new IDC method (now ALT-140) and achieve less than 2.0 g/hr emissions and greater than 75% HHV efficiency. It also questions whether the "force-feeding" protocol in ALT-140 is appropriate for emissions testing, especially since 1) NESCAUM repeatedly fails their own protocol in the "Interim Report", 2) the ALT-140 protocol clearly leads to overloading, and 3) ALT-140 does not "capture representative operations”.
Finally, Part 3 again addresses the issue of secrecy concerning the ALT-140 calculations and formulas. Even after repeated inquiries from Tom Morrissey, there have been no further communications from NESCAUM or EPA regarding how the ALT-140 “formula” to calculate efficiency is applied to actual test data. Mr. Morrissey contends that the new formula will result in dramatically lower (and inaccurate) efficiency calculations which would disadvantage stoves tested with ALT-140 relative to other stoves, and relative to other appliance categories. The reason these calculations are secret is because they don't work.