26 Oct2016/i>

Although the weather was dreary on October 22nd, our Open House was anything but! We saw smiling faces around every corner.
The beer was flowing, the burgers were grilling and the stoves were getting a lot of love and appreciation.
We would like to thank everyone who made the trek to our Factory to visit and enjoy the day with us.

We would like to thank everyone who made the trek to our Factory to visit and enjoy the day with us.
The bookends, moose racks, lazy susans and tables were a big success.
We had our “professional” painters hard at work, customizing colors to order.
We are going to be adding these items to our inventory. If anyone would like additional items, just give us a call, we will be happy to take your order.
Stoves were moving out and stoves are moving up – just take a look at our newest stove, the Absolute High Style. We heard a loud murmur of appreciation for the high style loading door – no bending necessary.
We can't wait for winter!