15 Oct2015/i>

We believe it is possible (scientifically and mathematically) to produce a zero emissions woodstove. Not “zero” in the absolute sense, but with emissions that are so low that they are negligible, both in a test lab setting and more importantly in the “real world”.
On November 7, 2015, we will introduce our 3rd Hybrid Woodstove at our semi-annual Open House, and this hybrid stove will be another giant step toward our goal of a “zero-emissions” wood stove.
Two years ago, we introduced the Ideal Steel Hybrid, which had 1.0 grams/hr of emissions and 82% efficiency. This new hybrid is likely to have similar efficiency, but emissions much closer to zero (with both “test wood” and cordwood).
We tested the Ideal Steel hybrid with both “test wood” and real cordwood, and we released the results publicly. We are the only company ever to have done this, and we plan to do it again with this new stove.
We were initially flummoxed by the problem of achieving complete combustion at different burn rates without using fans, AC power, or thermoelectric generators and sensors. A clever local scientist figured out how to achieve our desired combustion results inexpensively, and we are very much in the race to zero.