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Woodstock Soapstone Blog

20 Nov2013 The New York Times: Contest Aims for a Cleaner-Burning Wood Stove
admin 0 2165
Here is another article covering the Wood Stove Design Challenge written by The New York Times, titled Contest Aims for a Cleaner-Burning Wood Stove.Please note: Woodstock Soapstone Company originated in Woodstock, VT but moved across the river to West Lebanon, NH in 1985...
19 Nov2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge: Woodstock Wins the Grand Prize!
admin 0 2821
After a lot of hard work from a dedicated team, Woodstock Soapstone's Ideal Steel Hybrid was awarded the Grand Prize at the Wood Stove Design Challenge!I'll post more on this as information comes in and by next week we should have a video of the event ready to add to our Blog and You Tube Channel!Ag..
19 Nov2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge: Updates and Coverage
admin 0 2120
On Monday, 11/18/13, the testing for the Ideal Steel Hybrid was completed. Tom reported last evening that the emission numbers were again low! Now that the testing is complete, I hope to see the final standings updated this morning so we can see how Woodstock stacked up to the competition.  As soon ..
17 Nov2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge: Sunday
admin 0 2066
Today we had our scheduled second burn which looked like a really nice burn (we'll have some video on this later), however the testing equipment wasn't properly prepared so we'll have to retest tomorrow morning. By the end of the day tomorrow I believe we'll have the final standings to post for the ..
16 Nov2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge: Friday Results & Saturday Pictures
admin 0 2115
Woodstock Soapstone is off to a good start. Day one of testing for the Ideal Steel Hybrid was yesterday (Friday 11/15), and we are currently placed in 1st on emissions testing and 4th in efficiency! More testing will happen throughout the weekend, so we'll continue to post standings as we have them...
15 Nov2013 Wood Stove Design Challenge: Thursday set up
admin 0 2110
Tom and the Ideal Steel Hybrid, with all of its accoutrements, made it down to D.C yesterday, and was already set up and running by the afternoon. The official opening of the competition is today at 10:30 and will run through Tuesday at 5:00 pm.The People's Choice Award will be given at 4:00 pm on S..
13 Nov2013 The Wood Stove Lamp
admin 0 2444
Here are a couple images of a prototype stove lamp. We experimented with TEGs (Thermoelectric Generator) when developing our IDEAL STEEL Hybrid.  Originally we thought we would need the current to power a small fan to pressurize the secondary air supply, but it turns out the fan was not necessary.Th..
08 Nov2013 Don't forget to vote for us!
admin 0 2332
If you like what we're doing for the Woodstove Design Challenge Contest - making an affordable, high-performance woodstove that can be customized - please vote for us in the "People's Choice" balloting.  Just click here and vote for Woodstock Soapstone Company.Be sure to check our blog again soon.  ..
08 Nov2013 Thinking Outside the Box:  More on the Stove Buddies
admin 0 2250
One of our first posts about the Woodstove Design Competition back in August showed an illustration of a “woodstove buddy” (it’s reproduced again below).  Our woodstove buddies that are joining us in  Washington DC are pretty gussied up (the Design Competition is like going to the prom).  The buddie..
07 Nov2013 Angler's Delight: Poisson de Manon
admin 0 2238
Poisson de ManonQui n’adore pas Manon, une femme qui aime rire et pêcher avec son mari Richard? Nous voyons une image de Richard sur son téléphone intelligent avec  un des saumons  qu’ils ont attrapés  sur le Lac Ontario l’été dernier. Manon ``celui-ci est pour vous``Translation:  Who wouldn’t adore..
07 Nov2013 Angler's Delight: Design #1
admin 0 2480
Today we will post a couple of stoves for fishermen.  We have lots of ideas for fish - more than we could put on two stoves, but here's the first to start.  Both designs will probably swim down to Washington DC with us next week!Angler’s DelightThis stove has a leaping fish on the side, custom fish ..
05 Nov2013 Cordwood Testing: Efficiency over 80%; Emissions under 1 gm/hr
admin 0 2273
We recently did 3 emissions/efficiency tests using cordwood, and testing to the newly proposed ANSI standard for cordwood testing.  The first two tests used about 35-40 lbs of wood, and the high burn used about 20 lbs (as specified in the proposed standard).  The results are printed below.The first ..
03 Nov2013 Coming Soon: The Stove Buddies
admin 0 2268
You thought we were kidding, right?..
02 Nov2013 Woodstock Soapstone on NPR's Marketplace
admin 0 2934
Tom Morrissey, president of Woodstock Soapstone, was interviewed and featured on NPRs Marketplace last night 11/1/13.  Please click on the link and take a listen to New England cranks up its wood-burning stoves on Marketplace.Click here to link to Marketplace's story "New England cranks up its wood-..
01 Nov2013 Under the Hood 11: The Cooktop
admin 0 2158
The cooktop consists of three burners.  The center burner always has a decorative design.  The outside burners are held in place with centering pins, and the middle burner is fastened to an 8” round cutout in the top.  The burners are different heights, to create a temperature variation across the b..
31 Oct2013 Thinking Outside The Box:  It’s Moostastic!
admin 0 2265
Jason’s TROPHY Moose  Stove!When Jason Guimaraes asked for a moose stove, at first we thought we would cut some Moose andirons, and make a nice moose side and top.  But moose are really BIG, and the ornaments were fairly small in relation to this big stove.  So we put big antlers on the stove, and a..
31 Oct2013 A New Design for Gardeners - Hollyhock Leaves
admin 0 2287
Some of the most beautiful designs in the world are patterns from nature, whether they are simple repetitions or complex fractals.  In this design, Lorin Day and Kristie Haupt take a simple hollyhock leaf and convert it into a slightly abstract, repeating geometry sure to please gardeners...
30 Oct2013 New Stove Design for Chris Neufeld
admin 0 2472
Here’s a design for Chris Neufeld of Blaze King.  Chris is a good friend, and we think of Blaze King more as an ally in advocating for high efficiency stoves than as a competitor.   Chris is an avid outdoorsman, who hunts and fishes every chance he gets.  We tried to combine the two (hunting and fis..
30 Oct2013 Join us in Washington DC - Hoodies and T's for Owners
admin 0 4048
We’ll have t-shirts and hoodies with our new logo available for our existing customers at the event on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. (November 15-18).  Just stop by our contest stove and we'll get you fitted up!For more information about the Wood Stove Decathlon, please click here.Tees & Hoo..
30 Oct2013 A New Name for the Steel Stove & a New Logo!
admin 0 2410
We have a new (and hopefully final!) name for our design contest stove:The “IDEAL STEEL Hybrid”.  The initial name (Union Hybrid) was a name we came up with overnight, because the contest application asked for a name.  The we changed the name to “Steal Hybrid” to accentuate our focus on affordabilit..
Showing 161 to 180 of 228 (12 Pages)